



Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Tierwohls in der Nutztierhaltung mbH

Schwertberger Str. 14

53117 Bonn

Represented by the Managing Directors:
Herr Dr. Alexander Hinrichs und Herr Robert Römer

Telephone: +49 (0) 228 336485-0
Fax: +49 (0) 228 336485-55

Responsible for editorial content
Herr Robert Römer

Sales tax identification number
DE 298 590434

Companies’ register details
Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 21352

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The content and information we have created, and which is held on this website is subject to German copyright law. Any reproduction, editing, distribution or utilisation of this information that exceeds the limits of copyright law requires the author or creator’s written consent. As regards content on this page not created by us, third party copyrights are respected. Third party content will be identified as such. Should you become aware of any copyright infringement, please inform us immediately. Should you become aware of any legal infringement, we will remove this content immediately.

Image credits

Many of the images used on this website were kindly provided by the German Farmers' Association and the German Poultry Association. Image credits for content motifs (e.g. header images): Shutterstock