


Criteria and minimum requirements for animal welfare programmes

With the criteria for the different rearing methods, we have created a fixed framework and clear classification system for producers and consumers.

Compliance with the respective criteria is strictly monitored by the classified programs. In this way, we can guarantee the greatest possible safety for the trade and the consumer.

Below you will find the minimum requirements for each farming method per animal species, as they currently apply during the transition from the 4-stage to the 5-stage farming method labeling. Further details on the changeover can be found here.

Space requirements

Minimum area of loose housing per animal:

up to 150 kg minimum surface area

1.5 m²/animal;

up to 220 kg 1.7 m²

up to 400 kg 1.8 m²

over 400 kg 2.2m²

Minimum area of loose housing per animal:

up to 150 kg minimum surface area

1.5 m²/animal;

up to 220 kg 1.8 m²

up to 400 kg 2.5 m²

over 400 kg 3m²

Minimum area of loose housing per animal:

up to 150 kg minimum surface area

1.5 m²/animal;

up to 220 kg 2 m²

up to 400 kg 3 m²

over 400 kg 4m²

Minimum area of loose housing per animal:

up to 150 kg minimum surface area

1.5 m²/animal;

up to 220 kg 2.5 m²

up to 400 kg 4 m²

over 400 kg 5m² but at least 1m²/100 kg

Minimum area of loose housing per animal:

up to 100 kg 1.5 m²;

up to 200 kg 2.5 m²;

up to 350 kg 4 m²;

over 350 kg 5 m², but at least 1 m²/100 kg


Indoor, preferably loose housing;

tethered housing

Loose housing; or for oxen and heifers: combination housing1 with access to fields (at least 120 days for 2 hours a day) or with yard or exercise pen with at least 4.5 m² / animal

The exercise area must consist of at least 16 m² of contiguous space


For bulls: no tethered housing

Loose housing with access to a yard all year round (at least 3 m²/animal in the yard)

or loose housing to access to fields (at least 120 days for 6 hours a day)

or open-front loose housing,

no tethered housing

loose housing with constant access to the outdoors:
Playpen (at least 3m²/animal)

or Pasture


No tethering

Free-range housing with outdoor runs

or Pasture


No tethering

Dehorning of calves, if practised on the farm
< 6 weeks: by the farmer with pain relief
< 6 weeks: by the farmer with pain relief
< 6 weeks: by the farmer with pain relief
Only in exceptional cases, dehorning of < 6 week-old calves by vet only, with anaesthesia, pain relief is required
Only in exceptional cases, dehorning of < 6 week-old calves by vet only, with anaesthesia, pain relief is required
only QS-approved or QS-recognised feeds
only QS-approved or QS-recognised feeds
No GM feed for the entire fattening phase, however at least 6 weeks before slaughter

- Feed without genetic engineering 


- at least 60 % of the feed from
the own company or from
the region


- at least 60 % of dry matter
fresh, dried or
ensiled roughage in the daily ration during the fattening phase


at least 6 months before slaughter

- Only feed without genetic engineering


- Feed must come from organic production


- min. 70 % Feed from own farm or from the region


- at least 60 % of dry matter fresh, dried or ensiled roughage in the daily ration

Animal health monitoring

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir (enter into the QS database)


2. Expert antibiotics monitoring (enter into the QS database)

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir (enter into the QS database)


2. Expert antibiotics monitoring (enter into the QS database)

1. recording of findings data at the slaughterhouse


2. Expert antibiotics monitoring


Recording in a central database similar to the QS system

1. recording of findings data at the slaughterhouse


2. Expert antibiotics monitoring


Recording in a central database similar to the QS system

Inspection frequency2
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body according to the QS inspection system
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body according to the AWI inspection system
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Official inspection of all farms in accordance with the EU Organic Regulation or growers' association, at least once a year
Mandatory programme participation
QS or other comparable programme
Animal Welfare Initiative or comparable programme
Participation in a programme registered with the rearing method labelling scheme

Certified according to EU organic regulation


Or in accordance with the requirements of the organic farming associations, which guarantee a higher quality standard than the EU Organic Regulation.

Supplementary notes

*According to the EU Organic Regulation, combined husbandry (= seasonal tethering) is permitted in certain cases


¹ Interim solution: in the medium term, the aim is to allow tethering only when used in combination with seasonal grazing.


2 Applies to all reclassified programmes. Programme classification lasts 3 years. Before, or at the latest, at the end of these 3 years, all programmes must meet the minimum audit requirements.


Animals must be kept in these conditions no less than 6 months prior to slaughter.

Space requirements

min. 0.75 m² per animal

At least 10% more space than legally required (0.825 m²)

At least 40% more space than legally required in Germany (1.05 m²/animal)

At least 100% more space than legally required (1.5 m²/animal)

Minimum area
< 110 kg: 1.3 m²/animal in the barn and 1 m²/animal outside


> 110 kg: 1.5 m²/animal in the barn and 1.2 m²/animal outside

Indoor with contact to the outdoor climate; at least open-front pens
Indoor with permanent access to open-air runs or free-range
Indoor with permanent access to open-air runs or free-range
Organic, crude fibre-rich feed material
Organic, crude fibre-rich feed material
Organic, crude fibre-rich material for use in addition to straw (as bedding or roughage) or comparable material
Organic manipulable material, straw or similar substrate

Organic manipulable material, straw or similar substrate

Burrowing material in the outlet

only QS-approved or QS-recognised feeds
only QS-approved or QS-recognised feeds
No GM feed for the entire fattening phase

- Feed without genetic engineering during the entire fattening phase


- At least 20 % Feed from the own farm or from the region

during the entire fattening phase

Only feed without genetic engineering


Feed must come from organic production


Min. 30 % Feed from own farm or from the region

Animal health monitoring

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir (enter into the QS database)

2. Expert antibiotics monitoring (enter into the QS database)

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir (enter into the QS database)

2. Expert antibiotics monitoring (enter into the QS database)

1. recording of findings data at the slaughterhouse


2. Qualified antibiotic monitoring


Recording in a central database similar to the QS system

1. recording of findings data at the slaughterhouse


2. Qualified antibiotic monitoring


Recording in a central database similar to the QS system

Inspection frequency1
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body according to the QS inspection system
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body according to the AWI inspection system
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Official inspection of all farms in accordance with the EU Organic Regulation or growers' association, at least once a year
Mandatory programme participation
QS or other comparable programme
Animal Welfare Initiative or comparable programme
Participation in a programme registered with the rearing method labelling scheme

Certified according to EU organic regulation

Or in accordance with the requirements of the organic farming associations, which guarantee a higher quality standard than the EU Organic Regulation.

Supplementary notes

1 Applies to all reclassified programmes. Programme classification lasts 3 years. Before, or at the latest, at the end of these 3 years, all programmes must meet the minimum audit requirements.

Space requirements

max. 58 kg/m² cocks

max. 52 kg/m² hens

max. 53 kg/m² for cocks

max. 48 kg/m² for hens

(At least 10% more space than legally required)

max. 41 kg/m² for cocks

max. 37 kg/m² for hens

(At least 30% more space than legally required)

max. 21 kg/m²

(At least 60% more space than legally required)

max. 21 kg/m²


max. 2,500 turkeys in the barn

Indoor with permanent access to the outdoor climate

Indoor with access to outdoor areas for at least 1/3 of their life - the outdoor areas must be mostly vegetated;

Structural elements must provide shelter for the animals

Stable housing with access to the open air for at least 1/3 of their lifetime, whenever the weather permits.


At least 10 m² per animal in the run.


The area must be predominantly overgrown.


Structural elements must provide shelter for the animals

Dry bedding suitable for pecking, scratching and dust bathing

Additional activity material made of changeable and consumable material such as straw, picking stones.


At least 1 item per 400 m² or part thereof

Additional activity material made of changeable and consumable material such as straw, picking stones.


Per 400m² or part thereof
at least 2 items


or per 2,000 animals at least 3 bales of straw or hay and per
1,000 animals 1 picking item

Bedding in the form of straw, wood chips, sand or turf on at least 1/3 of the barn area
Bedding in the form of straw, wood chips, sand or turf on at least 1/3 of the barn area
Breeding line
Robust and healthy breeding lines
Robust and healthy breeding lines

Robust and healthy breeding lines;

slow-growing strains (max. weight gain of 110 g per day)

or fast-growing strains if the minimum slaughtering age of 140 days (cocks) and 100 days (hens) is complied with

Robust and healthy breeding lines


Slow-growing breed (weight gain max. 110 g/day)


or fast-growing breeds with compliance with the minimum slaughter age of 140 days (cocks) or 100 days (hens).

Robust and healthy breeding lines;

slow-growing strains (max. weight gain of 110 g per day)

or fast-growing strains if the minimum slaughtering age of 140 days (cocks) and 100 days (hens) is complied with

only QS-approved or QS-recognised feeds
only QS-approved or QS-recognised feeds

No GM feed for the entire fattening phase, however no later than 10 weeks before slaughter

- Feed without genetic engineering


- At least 20% from your own farm or from the region during the entire fattening phase,


at least 10 weeks before slaughter

Only feed without genetic engineering


Feed from organic production


At least 30% from your own farm, or from the region.

Animal health monitoring

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir (enter into the QS database)

2. Expert antibiotics monitoring (enter into the QS database)

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir (enter into the QS database)

2. Expert antibiotics monitoring (enter into the QS database)

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir

2. Expert antibiotics monitoring;

Recording in a central database similar to the QS system

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir

2. Expert antibiotics monitoring;

Recording in a central database similar to the QS system

Inspection frequency1
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body according to the QS inspection system
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body according to the AWI inspection system
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Official inspection of all farms in accordance with the EU Organic Regulation or growers' association, at least once a year
Mandatory programme participation
QS or other comparable programme
Animal Welfare Initiative or comparable programme
Participation in a programme registered with the rearing method labelling scheme
Certified in accordance with the EU Organic Regulation Or in accordance with the requirements of organic farming organisations, which guarantee a higher quality standard than the EU Organic Regulation.
Supplementary notes

Applies to all reclassified programmes. Programme classification lasts 3 years. Before, or at the latest, at the end of these 3 years, all programmes must meet the minimum audit requirements.

Space requirements
max. 39 kg/m²
max. 35 kg/m²

max. 25 kg/m² or max. 29 kg/m² (barns with a cold scratching area)

max. 21 kg/m²
max. 21 kg/m²
Indoor with permanent access to the outdoor climate

Indoor with access to outdoor areas for at least 1/3 of their life - the outdoor areas must be mostly vegetated;

Structural elements must provide shelter for the animals

Stable housing with access to the open air whenever the weather permits, for at least 1/3 of their lifetime.


At least 4 m² per animal (for fixed stables), 2.5 m² (for mobile stables) in the outdoor area


The area must be predominantly overgrown.


Structural elements must provide shelter for the animals.

Dry bedding suitable for pecking, scratching and dust bathing

Additional activity material made of changeable and consumable material such as straw, picking stones.


At least one item per 150 m² or part thereof

Additional activity material made of changeable and consumable material such as straw, picking stones.


At least 2 items per 150 m² or part thereof


or at least 3 bales of straw or hay per 2000 animals and 1 picking object per 1000 animals

Bedding in the form of straw, wood chips, sand or turf on at least 1/3 of the barn area
Bedding in the form of straw, wood chips, sand or turf on at least 1/3 of the barn area
Breeding line
Robust and healthy breeding lines
Robust and healthy breeding lines

Robust and healthy breeding lines;

slow-growing strains (max. weight gain of 45 g per day, 51 g per day max. weight gain possible with gait score examinations)

or fast-growing strains if the minimum slaughtering age of 81 days is complied with

Robust and healthy breeding lines;

slow-growing strains (max. weight gain of 45 g per day)

or fast-growing strains if the minimum slaughtering age of 81 days is complied with

Robust and healthy breeding lines;

slow-growing strains (max. weight gain of 45 g per day)

or fast-growing strains if the minimum slaughtering age of 81 days is complied with

only QS-approved or QS-recognised feeds
only QS-approved or QS-recognised feeds
No GM feed for the entire fattening phase

Feed without genetic engineering


at least 20% from your own farm or from the region during the entire fattening phase

Only feed without genetic engineering


Feed from organic production


Min. 30% from your own company or region.

Animal health monitoring

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir (enter into the QS database)

2. Expert antibiotics monitoring (enter into the QS database)

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir (enter into the QS database)

2. Expert antibiotics monitoring (enter into the QS database)

1. recording of findings data at the slaughterhouse


2. Expert antibiotics monitoring


Recording in a central database similar to the QS system

1. recording of findings data at the slaughterhouse


2. Expert antibiotics monitoring


Recording in a central database similar to the QS system

Inspection frequency1
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body according to the QS inspection system
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body according to the AWI inspection system
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Official inspection of all farms in accordance with the EU Organic Regulation or growers' association, at least once a year
Mandatory programme participation
QS or other comparable programme
Animal Welfare Initiative or comparable programme
Participation in a programme registered with the rearing method labelling scheme
Certified in accordance with the EU Organic Regulation Or in accordance with the requirements of organic farming organisations, which guarantee a higher quality standard than the EU Organic Regulation.
Supplementary notes

1 Applies to all reclassified programmes. Programme classification lasts 3 years. Before, or at the latest, at the end of these 3 years, all programmes must meet the minimum audit requirements.

Space requirements
max. 20 kg/m²
max. 20 kg/m²

max. 20 kg/m²

or 25 kg/m² barn floor area if there is permanent access to open areas

max. 20 kg/m²
max. 21 kg/m²



Systematic surgical interventions on the animals, such as the shortening of bills or claws, are not permitted

Stable housing; with daylight (window or light entry strip min. 3% of the stable floor area)


Systematic surgical interventions on the animals, such as the shortening of bills or claws, are not permitted

Open-front barns


or barns with constant access to covered or open spaces for the entire fattening period


With a barn area of 25 kg/m², the open spaces must be equivalent to at least half the size of the barn


Systematic surgical interventions on the animals, such as the shortening of bills or claws, are not permitted

Indoor with access to outdoor areas for at least half of their life

The outdoor areas must be mostly vegetated

2 m² of green space/animal

Systematic surgical interventions on the animals, such as the shortening of bills or claws, are not permitted

Stable housing with access to the open air for at least one third of their lifetime

The outdoor areas must be mostly vegetated


At least 4.5 m² per animal in the run


Systematic surgical interventions on the animals, such as the shortening of bills or claws, are not permitted

Dry bedding that is manipulable and suitable for dabbling

Fresh bedding every day


In addition, organic activity material;


Offered in racks or nets

Fresh bedding every day


In addition, organic activity material;


Offered in racks or nets

Fresh bedding every day


In addition, organic activity material;


Offered in racks or nets

At least one third of the floor area must be covered with litter material in the form of straw, wood shavings, sand or peat

Nipple drinkers or other similar drinkers

Additional drinkers that allow the ducks to submerge their entire head (at least one drinker for every 250 animals)

Additional drinkers that allow the ducks to submerge their entire head (at least one drinker for every 250 animals)

In addition to the drinkers: access to open areas of water for swimming, e.g. pond, stream, lake or artificial water basin (at least one body of water for every 1,000 animals that is at least 8 cm deep and with an area of at least 1.2 m²)
In addition to drinking troughs: access to open water for swimming, e.g. pond, stream, lake or artificial water basin (weather and hygiene conditions permitting)
Breeding line
Robust and healthy breeding lines

Robust and healthy breeding lines

minimum age at slaughter 35 days

Robust and healthy breeding lines

minimum age at slaughter 42 days

Robust and healthy breeding lines

slow-growing strains

minimum age at slaughter 49 days

Robust and healthy breeding lines

slow-growing strains

minimum age at slaughter 49 days

only QS-approved or QS-recognised feeds
only QS-approved or QS-recognised feeds

- Feed without genetic engineering 


- min. 70% Cereal content in the ration


during the entire fattening phase

- Feed without genetic engineering 


- min. 25% from your own farm or from the region


- 75% Cereal content in the ration


during the entire fattening phase

Only feed without genetic engineering


30% from your own farm or from the region Fresh, dried or ensiled roughage must be added to the daily ration

Animal health monitoring

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir (enter into the QS database)

2. Expert antibiotics monitoring (enter into the QS database)

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir (enter into the QS database)

2. Expert antibiotics monitoring (enter into the QS database)

1. recording of findings data at the slaughterhouse


2. Expert antibiotics monitoring


Recording in a central database similar to the QS system

1. recording of findings data at the slaughterhouse


2. Expert antibiotics monitoring


Recording in a central database similar to the QS system

Inspection frequency1
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body according to the QS inspection system
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body according to the AWI inspection system
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Official inspection of all farms in accordance with the EU Organic Regulation or growers' association, at least once a year
Mandatory programme participation
QS or other comparable programme
Animal Welfare Initiative or comparable programme
Participation in a programme registered with the rearing method labelling scheme
Certified in accordance with the EU Organic Regulation Or in accordance with the requirements of organic farming organisations, which guarantee a higher quality standard than the EU Organic Regulation.
Supplementary notes

– The criteria apply in each case to fattening (from the 16th day of life).
– Perforated floors or grates are only permitted underneath the drinkers.

1 Applies to all reclassified programmes. Programme classification lasts 3 years. Before, or at the latest, at the end of these 3 years, all programmes must meet the minimum audit requirements.

Space requirements

Unobstructed floor area:
1-4 animals: 1,500 cm²/animal
5-10 animals: 1,000 cm²/animal
11-24 animals: 850 cm²/animal
25 or more animals: 700 cm²/animal


In addition, there must be a raised level: at least 300 cm²/animal

Unobstructed floor area:
1-4 animals: 1,650 cm²/animal
5-10 animals: 1,100 cm²/animal
11-24 animals: 935 cm²/animal
25 or more animals: 700 cm²/animal


In the stable: max. 20 kg/m²
In addition, an elevated level must be provided: at least 300 cm²/animal at a height of at least 27 cm.
The total size of the elevated level should be a maximum of 40% of the unobstructed floor area.

Unobstructed floor area:
1-4 animals: 2,100 cm²/animal
5-10 animals: 1,400 cm²/animal
11-24 animals: 1,190 cm²/animal
25 or more animals: 980 cm²/animal


In addition, an elevated level must be provided: at least 300 cm²/animal at a height of
at least 27 cm.
The total size of the elevated level should be a maximum of 40% of the unobstructed floor area.

Unobstructed floor area:
1-4 animals: 3,000 cm²/animal
5-10 animals: 2,000 cm²/animal
11-24 animals: 1,700 cm²/animal
25 or more animals: 1,400 cm²/animal


In the stable: max. 20 kg/m²
In addition, an elevated level must be provided: at least 300 cm²/animal at a height of at least 27 cm.
The total size of the elevated level should be a maximum of 40% of the unobstructed floor area.

Usable barn area/animal (without platforms):

Fixed stall: 2,000 cm²

Mobile barn: 1,500 cm²


In the stable: max. 20 kg/m²
In addition, an elevated level must be provided: at least 300 cm²/animal at a height of at least 27 cm.

The total size of the elevated level should be a maximum of 40% of the unobstructed floor area.


Stable/cage housing


Minimum size of the unobstructed floor area: minimum statutory requirement of 8000 cm² per housing unit

Group housing


Group size of at least 10 rabbits


Pens with open tops, no wire mesh floors


The animals must be able to hop at least twice in a row. As such, one side of the pen should be at least 1.8 m long if possible.


Min. 5% Daylight incidence (in relation to the stable floor area) for new buildings (= buildings that were approved or put into use after 11 August 2014)

Group housing with outdoor environment, e.g.: covered open spaces, open-front runs
Open front


Group sizes of at least 20 rabbits


Pens with open tops, no wire mesh floors


The animals must be able to hop at least twice in a row. As such, one side of the pen should be at least 1.8 m long if possible.


Minimum bedding area: 0.05 m²/animal


Structured environment with feeding, resting and general areas


Suitable places for hiding (tubes/holes)

Group housing with permanent access to open-air runs/fields 

or free-range


Group sizes of at least 20 rabbits


Pens with open tops, no wire mesh floors


The outside area on farms with permanent housing for the rabbits must be built so that there are enough elevated platforms evenly spread over the minimum area.


At least 50% of the total area must be in the form of a permanently secured outdoor or


Grazing area: 10 kg/m² and 2m² green run/animal


Year-round exercise/pasture area: max. 3.3 kg/m²


For pasture/free-range farming: Covered feeding stalls and nesting huts


Suitable hiding places (tubes/caves)


At least 2 consecutive hopping jumps must be possible. For this reason, one side should be at least 1.8 metres long if possible

Group housing with permanent access to open-air runs/fields

or free-range


Usable exercise area/animal (without platforms):

Fixed stall: 2,000 cm²

Mobile barn: 4,000 cm²


Dry laying and resting areas, no perforated construction.


Suitable hiding places (dark, tubes/caves)


Raised level (indoors and outdoors)

Constant access to coarsely structured roughage/hay cobs and suitable gnawing material e.g. soft wood/branches
Constant access to coarsely structured roughage/hay cobs and suitable gnawing material e.g. soft wood/branches
Constant access to coarsely structured roughage/hay cobs and suitable gnawing material e.g. soft wood/branches
Constant access to coarsely structured roughage/hay cobs and suitable gnawing material e.g. soft wood/branches

Access to coarse-textured roughage at all times if there is not enough grass available.


and suitable nailing material e.g. softwood/branches

Breeding line
Robust and healthy breeding lines
Robust and healthy breeding lines
Robust and healthy breeding lines
Robust and healthy breeding lines
Robust and healthy breeding lines that are adapted to outdoor husbandry.
only QS-approved or QS-recognised feeds
only QS-approved or QS-recognised feeds

- QS-approved or QS-recognised feed


- Feed without genetic engineering


during the entire fattening phase

- QS-approved or QS-recognised feed (if purchased) or organic feed


- Feed without genetic engineering 


- at least 60% from your own farm or from the region


during the entire fattening phase

Only feed without genetic engineering


Feed from organic production


at least 70% from own production or the region.


Basic feed must make up at least 60 % of the feed.

Animal health monitoring
Documented animal health monitoring must be implemented in the respective programme, which includes the recording of diagnostic data at the slaughterhouse, mortality rates and the use of antibiotics on the farm.
Documented animal health monitoring must be implemented in the respective programme, which includes the recording of diagnostic data at the slaughterhouse, mortality rates and the use of antibiotics on the farm.
Documented animal health monitoring must be implemented in the respective programme, which includes the recording of diagnostic data at the slaughterhouse, mortality rates and the use of antibiotics on the farm.
Documented animal health monitoring must be implemented in the respective programme, which includes the recording of diagnostic data at the slaughterhouse, mortality rates and the use of antibiotics on the farm.
Inspection frequency1
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least every three years
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Official inspection of all farms in accordance with the EU Organic Regulation or growers' association, at least once a year
Mandatory programme participation
Participation in a programme registered with the rearing method labelling scheme

Certified according to EU organic regulation


Or in accordance with the requirements of the organic farming associations, which guarantee a higher quality standard than the EU Organic Regulation.

Supplementary notes

– The animals must be kept under these minimum conditions the entire time from weaning to transport for slaughter (applies to all stages).


1 Applies to all reclassified programmes. Programme classification lasts 3 years. Before, or at the latest, at the end of these 3 years, all programmes must meet the minimum audit requirements.

Space requirements
Playpen with cubicles: Animal to cubicle ratio 1:1

Playpen with cubicles: animal to cubicle ratio 1:1


or Playpen without cubicles: over 350 kg LG
Minimum area 4 m2/animal
(lying and walking surface)

Playpen with cubicles: animal to cubicle ratio 1:1


or Playpen without cubicles

over 350 kg LG minimum area

5 m2/animal (lying and walking surface)


or 1,000 m² grazing area/animal

Playpen with cubicles: animal to cubicle ratio 1:1


or Playpen without cubicles: over 350 kg LG
Minimum area 6 m2/animal

(lying and walking surface)

Playpen with cubicles: animal to cubicle ratio 1:1


or Playpen without cubicles: over 350 kg LG
Minimum area 6 m2/animal

(lying and walking surface)

Indoor, preferably loose housing or combination housing
Playpen husbandry   or Combination posture1 with access to pasture (at least 120 days at 2 h each) or with exercise yard or exercise pen with at least 4.5 m² per animal. The exercise area must consist of at least 16 m² of contiguous area.

Loose housing with access to a yard all year round (3 m² per animal)

or loose housing with access to fields during the vegetation period (at least 120 days for 6 hours a day)

or open-front loose housing, no tethered housing

Free-range housing with a free-range yard that can be used all year round (at least 3 m²/animal in the free-range yard)
and Grazing (at least 120 days of 6 hours each)


No tethering

Playpen husbandry
and Grazing (exercise) whenever conditions allow.


No tethering*

Dehorning of calves, if practised on the farm
< 6 weeks: by the farmer with pain relief
< 6 weeks: by the farmer with pain relief
< 6 weeks: by the farmer with pain relief

Dehorning only in exceptional cases

also for <6-week-old calves only after anaesthesia by a veterinarian; with pain relief

Dehorning only in exceptional cases; Dehorning of < 6 week-old calves by vet only, with anaesthesia, pain relief is required
no specifications
In loose housing: scratching brushes or in the exercise area in combination housing
Scratching brushes in the loose housing area
Scratching brushes in the loose housing area
Exclusively QS-approved or QS-recognised feed
Exclusively QS-approved or QS-recognised feed
No GM feed

Only GMO-free feed may be used.


at least 60% of the feed from the farm or from the region.


at least 60% of dry matter fresh, dried or ensiled roughage in the daily ration

No GM feed


at least 70 % of feed from the farm or from the region


Feed must come from organic production


at least 60 % of dry matter fresh, dried or ensiled roughage in the daily ration

Animal health monitoring

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir (enter into the QS database)


2. Expert antibiotics monitoring (enter into the QS database)


The following applies to both: mandatory for all companies by 2026 at the latest

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir (enter into the QS database)


2. Expert antibiotics monitoring (enter into the QS database)

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir


2. Expert antibiotics monitoring


Recording in a central database similar to the QS system

1. Recording of diagnostic data in the abattoir


2. Expert antibiotics monitoring


Recording in a central database similar to the QS system

Inspection frequency2
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body according to the QS inspection system
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body according to the AWI inspection system
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Inspection of all farms by a neutral certification body at least once a year
Official inspection of all farms in accordance with the EU Organic Regulation or growers' association, at least once a year
Mandatory programme participation
Participation in a programme registered with the rearing method labelling scheme
Animal Welfare Initiative or comparable programme
Participation in a programme registered with the rearing method labelling scheme
Certified according to EU-Öko VO or in accordance with the requirements of organic farming organisations, which guarantee a higher quality standard than the EU Organic Regulation.
Supplementary notes

*According to the EU Organic Regulation, combined husbandry (= seasonal tethering) is permitted in certain cases


1 Transitional solution; in the medium term, the aim is to accept tethering only in combination with seasonal grazing.

² Applies to all programmes that are reclassified. The classification of the programmes has a term of 3 years. At the end of these 3 years at the latest, all programmes must meet the minimum requirements for the inspection cycle.


All animals falling under the scope of the respective programme must be kept under the conditions from the initial audit. The milk of these animals may only bemarketed after the successful initial audit in the respective programme.

Haltungsform criteria Download HERE .

Status: March 2024